A wonderful way to celebrate and showcase the rich cultural diversity and traditions of our communities

Group Of Multi-Cultural Friends Posing For Selfie By Climbing Wall At Indoor Activity Centre
Asian food. Chinese, Japanese and Thai cuisine
Brazilian women dancing samba at carnival

In essence, celebrating cultural diversity is not just a symbolic gesture but a practical and essential step towards building a more inclusive, tolerant, and harmonious world. It is an ongoing process that requires active engagement, open-mindedness, and a commitment to embracing the richness that diversity brings to our shared human experience.

Cultural Exhibitions

Booths showcasing artifacts, traditional clothing, and artworks from different cultures.

Live Performances

Folk music and dance performances representing various cultures.

Food Festival

A diverse range of traditional foods from different cultures. Cooking demonstrations and workshops to learn about traditional cooking methods.


Art and craft workshops focusing on traditional techniques. Traditional dance or music workshops for attendees to participate.


Fashion Show

Showcasing traditional clothing from various cultures. Providing a platform for local designers to reinterpret traditional attire.

Heritage Walk

Guided tours of historical landmarks or culturally significant sites in the area.

EOH Newsletter


Partner with local cultural organisations, community groups, and artists to ensure diverse representation.

Community Dialogue

Panel discussions on the importance of preserving cultural heritage.

Talks by experts in the field discussing the challenges and opportunities.

 Please subscribe for date, venue, and time  update.

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